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Born in 1974, Grégoire holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences from EPFL, Switzerland as well as a MBA from Babson College MA, USA. He worked 20 years in Banks and created a wealth management boutique in 2017 ans started investing in start-ups about 6 years ago. Since then, he invested in more than 50 start ups in 19 countries. Grégoire is married, has two kids and lives in Switzerland.
ContactManaging Partner at E4 Ventures with a PhD in Cognitive Psychology
ContactCarole has over 20 years of experience in financial markets from Head of Sales to Head of Business Development & Strategy at Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank in Paris and Geneva. In 2015, she joined BAS as an active member; besides investing she streamlined DDs for investors and acted as financial controller. In parallel, she joined Netmentora in Barcelona, a non-profit organization which connects entrepreneurs, investors and industry experts to help people bring their business to market. She also works as a consultant with startups at an early stage in order to help them with their business development, provide guidance for pitching to investors and facilitate fundraising for their projects. She is also a mentor at EPFL (Masters in Management, Technology & Entrepreneurship) in Lausanne.
ContactRamon holds an MBA from the University of Bern with a focus on Entrepreneurship, Marketing, General Management and Corporate Strategy. In recent years, he has worked in various countries around the world Philippines, Taiwan, England and the USA – and has thus broadened his experience, especially in the startup environment.
ContactDr of Pharmacy, Ludwig-Maximilans Universität, Münche
ContactBorn 1963, Is CEO of Zollikonsult GmbH, strategy and marketing consulting in Zurich. He invests primarily in technology and durable consumer goods. He is also a lecturer at the University of Lucerne and at the St. Gallen Management Institute. He holds various board positions in Switzerland.
ContactBorn 1955 , Ing. Dipl. EPFL, M.Sc. University of California at Berkeley Privately, Stéphane Rousset is business Angel, volunteer mentor, and occasionally also assistant general manager. He focuses on the industries of ICT (information and communication technology), Cleantech and Medtech. His goal is to convey what he has learned as a C-level manager to help Swiss startups develop and succeed. His professional career includes digital (DEC), AT&T, Global One, Oracle, and Fujitsu in EMEA and world-wide roles, with a focus on sales, business administration, and general management. Stéphane is married and has three adult children.
ContactDr. rer. pol. University of Basel, Lic. oec. HSG University of St. Gallen, Chairman TubePartners AG Zug. Many years of international industry experience, including DAETWYLER Group Altdorf – 15 years, member group Management and CEO ROTHRIST Precision Tubes Rothrist, VON ROLL group Gerlafingen – among others CEO MONTEFORNO Steel and Rolling mills Bodio. Board member of SWISSMEM Zurich. Seats in the board of Directors of international companies.
ContactMichael Federspiel (Dipl. Ing. ETH, PMP) worked as a management consultant for Bain & Company, Progan Consulting Group and his own company Federspiel Management. Other employers were among others Jamba!, Hilti, Ericsson Hewlett Packard and Swatch Group. He studied at the ETH Zurich (operational and production engineer) and Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, he is a PMI certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and attended various executive education courses at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the IMD Lausanne.
ContactLuzi Andreas von Bidder was until recently Chairman of the Swiss listed company Acino Holding AG and is currently on the Board of several other private healthcare companies including Ferring and Solvias. Prior to Acino, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Novartis Ophthalmics AG and as a member of the Novartis Pharma Executive Committee and with Ciba-Geigy in various positions. Luzi Andreas von Bidder graduated in Economics from HSG University of St. Gallen.
ContactBorn 1962, Master of International Affairs, Columbia University, Frank Gerritzen is co-founder and board member of UMEO SA, a group active in personal services: recruitment and executive search (brands: Careerplus, Ganci Partners, Artemia, Serendi) and home care (Qualis Vita). Before, Frank has worked in several service-oriented companies as well as import-export organisations in Switzerland and the United States. He recently started an activity as écrivain public (ghost writing) under the name Frank has two adult children.
ContactBorn 1965 – BSc, Honors in Business Studies, University of Buckingham – Mediator SDM-FSM. Adrienne has worked in marketing in the consumer goods industry and later on in the luxury goods sector of the watchmaking industry. In 1997, the Company "Transfer Solutions", a relocation service agency in Neuchâtel, was founded by her and sold in 2001. After spending thirteen years in local politics she is now active as an angel investor. Adrienne has an international background as she grew up in Basel and the US and studied in England. She has four children and lives in Neuchâtel.
Contact„Gute Business Angels sind mehr als Geldgeber“, meinte die Unternehmerin, die damals als Start up von Business Angels Switzerland unterstützt wurde und nun mit ihrem Unternehmen auf eigenen Beinen steht. Vor einem Publikum, das sich dafür interessiert sich als Business Angel zu betätigen, erzählte sie von ihren Erfahrungen mit Business Angels. Eine seltene Gelegenheit für die ebenfalls anwesenden langjährigen Business Angels, den Spiegel vorgehalten zu kriegen. „Als Start up sollte man sich bewusst sein, dass die Business Angels im selben Boot sitzen“, fügte sie an. Dies solle man nutzen und transparent sein. Fakten zu verheimlichen sei kontraproduktiv. „Business Angels sind nicht Gründer“, fuhr sie fort, „ und sie sind sich dessen bewusst.“ Deshalb sei es essenziell, die verschiedenen Standpunkte zu berücksichtigen und sich gegenseitig zuzuhören. „Nur so können beide Seiten voneinander lernen.“ Und schliesslich – so die Unternehmerin – seien Business Angels auch bloss Menschen. „Lasst sie am Erfolg teilhaben, teilt nicht nur die schwierigen, sondern auch die freudigen Momente“, schloss sie den ersten Teil. Der zweite Teil der Ansprache drehte sich um sogenannt mühsame Business Angels. Nun, den weniger positiven Eigenschaften ins Auge zu sehen, ist selten ein Vergnügen, auch wenn die Aufzählung allgemein gehalten ist. Gleichzeitig sind unterstützte Start up die einzigen, die über das Verhalten von Business Angels aus einer Aussensicht berichten können. Trotzdem mutet es etwas befremdlich an, negative Verhaltensweisen von gerade denjenigen aufgezeigt zu erhalten, die von der Risikobereitschaft und Investitionsfreude der Business Angels profitierten.