

Veterinary technology for vital signs monitoring on horses in real time and remotely.

Dorina Thiess

Piavita AG is a Zurich-based medtech start-up aiming at revolutionizing the veterinary industry. The Piavita Vet System provides veterinarians an easy, comprehensive and high-precision vital sign detecting solution for horses. The wearable Piavita Vet system works wireless and completely non-invasive, thereby digitalising the complete process of everyday veterinary processes. For the veterinarian, the Piavita Vet System saves several hours of manual monitoring work per day, provides an alternative for HR-intense monitoring shifts, and enables numerous additional services that they can offer to their clients (the horse owners). Through smart algorithms and machine learning processes, Piavita even allows for early detection and pattern analysis of never seen scope. The use cases range from supervising patients after operations and over long periods of time (up to several months), over early indication of pain (e.g. colic - death reason no. 1), intermittent diseases (e.g. fever spikes, arrhythmias, seizures) or infections; objective purchase and performance investigations; up to an enhanced service through continuous and remote monitoring of horses (including alarm systems).

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