
What do startups get when they come to the BAS pitch?

This begins with the attention of the listening, the informational questions and critical remarks, which enable a mindful start-up to improve it's next pitch and to evolve further. In the interest of business angels is also the due diligence and the support, which can include the business development...


This begins with the attention of the listening, the informational questions and critical remarks, which enable a mindful start-up to improve it's next pitch and to evolve further. In the interest of business angels is also the due diligence and the support, which can include the business development, but also the access to network partners. Overall, a pitch is already valuable – no matter if it comes to the end of an investment or not.

The fact that the business angels share their knowledge for free and give away their time has various reasons. Some wer lucky in life and want to pass on some of it. Others find it exciting to accompany the development of new companies. Everyone is happy to benefit from their investment in knowledge, time and money in the good business of the startup. At the same time the start-ups can profit and thus the effort to prepare a good pitch proves to be very valuable.